Aug 19, 2006


Sliding round curves
Out of control
Scared out of my mind
Trees reaching to steal my soul
My stomach turning inside out
I've lost all my resolve

It doesn't make any sense
How did I fall all apart
I told them, "I don't drink any more"
They said, "You don't drink any less"
Now I'm down on my knees
I've fallen again

I cry for help
I scream out for forgiveness
I wish he could hear
If only he were near
Just to help put back the pieces
To help push away the fear
To have him hold me against him
For me to smell him again

I'm sitting here shaking
For what am I to do
Lost in this time
Again, lost in this place

the taste
the feel
the loss of control
the innocence it begs steal
I can't keep ending up here
Destroying what is left of me

I can't keep gathering up the pieces
I am running out of glue
I don't want to be broken anymore
Please help me seal up the cracks
and fulfill my need to be whole
by SHE 2006

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