Can I crawl under my shell and hide?
Work, namely my boss, has a way of throwing me off kilter.
I once upon time would live to work. I loved the power and energy it gave me, even when I had a boss who I didn't quite see eye to eye with. These days though, work drains me. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning to face the daily boring grind. My work now has become routine, same thing every day. I no longer fly around the world or have urgent problems to fix at 3am. I just drag my widening ass out of bed to come into the office and sit in an awful blue chair and try to surf to the end of the internet (no, I haven't found it yet, but I will keep you posted).
Back to my boss, he never knows what he really wants, he changes his mind with each new idea thrown out to him. He never looks at the big picture with a plan, instead puts out fires and does everything as a reaction. Granted this is occassionally fun, it is also draining. I never know what to expect: will I get snapped at for being late or praised because I fixed something in 2.2 secs (that really wasn't a big deal to start with). Grrrr, maybe he is the one that needs therapy to straighten out his head.
He is one of those people I despise...a pleaser. He plays people. He tells them what they want to hear even if he has no intention of doing it or believing what he is saying. I think I rather be told how it is sometimes than receive 100% fluff. Fluff just makes me choke and wipe all the fuzzies off my tongue.
I started this rant before rai$e-time here to calm my nerves, but finished it when I realized raiSe-time is just more fluff. And a time to wear Static guard in hope that I won't choke on anymore fluff.