Oct 25, 2006

The Numb

My dreams lately have been plagued by what some may call nightmares; dead people, crashes, fatal crashes all around me filling the moments my eyes drift shut. I wander through them, waiting for the end to come, for it to finally to stop happening, and to be cleared. The night before last though, I found a little girl when I was wandering. I stopped and entertained her while the accidents were all being dealt with around us. Her and I were in our own little bubble, numb to the blood and chaos surrounding us. Is this me? Am I finally becoming numb to my biggest fear?


Anonymous said...

Do you ever feel like if you had a week (or so) of absolute peace and quiet, you could get ahold of everything? I do.

EatAnts said...

A week...or 2 or 3.

Anonymous said...

Or 4 or 5. I hear you loud and clear. You ever see the way you want things to be, maybe even feel it? Talk to me, dear, we have lots in common.

EatAnts said...

Talk to you, eh? Who are you? and just what do we have in common?

Chrystal Sander said...

As far as the bubble part of the dream goes, I think that it might mean that you took care of the small part of yourself during horrible times and that is a good thing. You both just "went away" and that is common.

Anonymous said...

Going back a little here, but here goes. We have a common ailment, that's what we have in common. From what I've read, you and I could many lengthy - meaningful, at that - conversations about this unjust plauge we were given. Tell me what you think.