Jul 15, 2006

Old Maid and ice cream make the world go round

When I was a child, I would stay the night with my grandparents. My evenings there always ended with games of Old Maid on a TV tray in the corner of the backroom. Grams always sat in the adjacent corner watching over.

The next morning Grandpa R and I would always get up early and have a bowl of raisin bran, followed by Grams getting up and having a bowl of ice cream with me. (My aunts and uncles are still shocked she did this) When Grandpa would leave for work Grams would move to his chair and play Old Maid with me too.

I remember my uncles always teasing me while we played. They would taunt me about becoming an old maid, when I grew up, with thunder thighs and hippo hips. Here I am single again, but hardly an old maid, only time will tell on the outcome of that prediction, but I didn't escape the thunder thighs. The accident stole my prized dancer physique. Too bad I cannot rewind time. I'd take back the body, Old Maid, and ice cream.

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